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Father Geno's Salvation Map

Wise Lux priest Father Geno's meditations were interrupted with visions of a band of heroes soaring through the sky with urgent need! He alerted the people of his floating city Sa'nubis, and took flight to intercept the danger. Seeing a bomb-laden pirate airship being diverted away from his city by a brave templar, Geno extended his hand and shielded the man as he leapt from the exploding airship! Levitating him to safety, what reward is right for a hero?

Commander Juram's Last Stand Map

Brave commander Juram saw his doom approach, as the apocalyptic bomb ticked down on the flying pirate airship. He gazed at the floating sanctuary City of Sa'nubis a mile ahead, imagining the death of all the innocent people therein. In a final selfless act, he commanded his crew to abandon ship, as he alone piloted the doomed airship towards the ocean. Seconds before the explosion, he prayed, remembering the face of his sister Nadia...

Tiny Tinkerer's Tricky Timebomb Map

"DRAGON!" warning bells rang in the floating city of Sa'nubis as word arrived from commander Juram's airship that a superweapon activated by an evil dragon, were all soaring to destroy the city! At Father Geno's behest, Maggie, granddaughter of famed gnomish inventor Roger Wrenchratchett leapt into action preparing her own flying machine to intercept the approaching bomb! Can the new young generation save the future?

 Corrupted Dragon Sky Battle Map

Finally intercepting the airship carrying the superweapon aimed to destroy the nearby flying sanctuary city of Sa'nubis, Juram and his heroes were shaken to their core, when the dark clouds above materialized a vile red dragon of the Scaled Spires! Desperately dodging purple flames and razor-sharp teeth, Juram's eyes widened when he saw the purple flames activate the superweapons' countdown! How can Juram prevent apocalypse?!

Steampirate Airship Battle Map

Racing to stop the airship carrying the superweapon flying to destroy the levitating city of Sa'nubis, Juram and his heroes overpowered the pirates on the ground and commandeered a second airship! In hot pursuit, cannons fired and swords clashed as brave Captain Tumult and Juram led our heroes in a daring sky-bound battle! As the battle climaxed, vile orc pirate Captain Shatterskull sounded a horn! ...what is that huge ominous shadow flying towards us?!  

Arcane Golem's Ritual Map

Descending into the crypt, Juram's heroes finally beheld the arcane bomb they had been tracking! Captain Shatterskull and his pirates unsheathed swords to defend the vile arcane golem transferring dark energy from the corpse of an orc into the weapon. Savage melee broke out as Juram led the charge to seize the device. "Transfer: Complete - Target Sa'nubis: Acquired" spoke the golem, as the weapon airlifted out of the chamber! 

Tangled Web of Deceit Map

Racing to track down the doomsday device, paladin Juram's heroes entered an ominous clearing of disorienting spiderwebs. A dark presence emerged revealing the Maiden of Lies. She taunted our heroes, forcing them to question the righteousness of their mission, and their own sanity. Only when Juram spoke holy truth, did the web of lies ignite in righteous fire, opening the passage down into a crypt. Are you being lied to?

Ancient Master's Riddle Map

Juram and his heroes passed through a disorienting fog into an otherworldly cherry blossom forest. An ancient Doragon monk emanating great power levitated in a pagoda, blocking their path. He spoke "I am bound to this island and cannot flee. Escape you may, if you answer me. As you travel the sands of time, the more you make, you leave behind. What am I?" Juram pondered, and whispered his answer. The sage smiled. What did Juram say?

Ominous Time-warped Ruins Map

Racing to track down the pirates transporting the apocalyptic superweapon, Juram and his heroes approached eerie ruins.  Fragments of energy permeated the air as the image of a female arcanist, warped in time, appeared. She warned that long ago, great evil was performed on their path ahead, and to turn back before it was too late. Juram's heart became conflicted. Cheera slid her hand into Juram's, encouraging bravery. Is their doom ahead?

Ogre's Culinary Experiment Map

In the chaos, Cheera diffused the near explosive situation with the terrified goblin bomber Wix, offering her a truce. Juram explained they were hunting a vile band of pirates transporting an apocalyptic superweapon. Wix enthusiastically encouraged the effort, sharing those pirates destroyed all her companions but one! Wix introduced her huge ogre cook, Tinythumb, hiding timidly. He affably fed the entire company! Are you hungry?

Goblin's Castaway Cove Map

Nadia used the arcane tracking device to guide Captain Tumult's ship to an uncharted island hidden in the Sea of Shadows. As paladin commander Juram disembarked the ship to follow the trail hunting the arcane superweapon, Wix, a lone frantic goblin sapper leapt out from behind a tree and threatened him with her dynamite! Cheera threw a dagger through the fuse, revealing she had stowed away on the ship! Mind racing, how is Juram to sort the chaos?!

Captain's Cavern Escape Map

Cheera unlocked Juram's jail cell and took his hand, guiding him and his band of heroes deep into the caves under her father's criminal compound. Breathlessly fleeing the sounding alarms, Cheera said she knew a man who might help them track down the doomsday superweapon. Emerging dramatically from the shadows, Captain Tumult smiled slyly and offered his ship to such honorable Oathsworn Knights. Should paladins trust an ex-pirate?

Smuggler Lord's Mansion Map

Detained by Crime Lord Opulentos of the Gilded Bay for disrupting smuggled shipments, Juram and his heroes await judgement. Compelled by compassion, Opulentos' daughter Cheera snuck down into the mansion's jail to hear Juram explain his righteous cause to track down the superweapon. Enamored, she slid into his hand an arcane tracker of her father's ship carrying the weapon, and unlocked the cell. Is this a trap?

Orc Pirate's Ambush Map

In hot pursuit of the caravan transporting the apocalyptic bomb, Juram's heroes followed clues to a suspicious port hidden north of the fetid steampunk City of Protencio. Suddenly, a pirate ambush led by the vile orc Captain Shatterskull exploded around them, with blasts of cannons and the clash of steel! In the chaos of battle, a ship containing the bomb slipped out of port! How will Juram prevent disaster now?

Chill Chieftain's Cozy Cabin Map

Fleeing assassins, Juram's heart skipped a beat, losing his sister Nadia underwater. Searching downriver in desperation for days, Juram and his knights were finally approached by a calm Mjinga, a rodent of unusual size. Chieftain Utu-livu shared he had saved Nadia from drowning, and was tending to her wounds in his hut. Juram embraced his sister, relieved. Before racing off to continue their quest, might they enjoy a soothing tea?

Darkfang Mountain Conspiracy Map

Tracking down the shipment of an arcane superweapon, Juram's heroes approached the towering terror of the Darkfang Mountains. Entering the darkness, Juram's sister Nadia illumined the caverns with arcane energy, exposing stealthed assassins of the vile feline Pardus tribes! Racing against time and predators, our heroes leapt off a waterfall evading their captors, but lost Nadia in the waters! What is to be her fate?

Jungle Path of the Apocalypse Map

Racing through the Pore'hu jungle to intercept the transport of the apocalyptic weapon, Commander Juram's heroic contingent was attacked by a terrifying DREADASUAR! Just before being torn to shreds, a soft voice beckoned them into a hidden cave, safe from harm. Revealing herself by torchlight, the beautiful seer Kharaa, exiled from the Msituni Empire, explained that she spied the caravan traveling east. Will they intercept it in time?

Exiled Mad Alchemist's Lair Map

Guided through treacherous caverns by their Iridian ally, Juram's contingent finally broke through into a dark lair. Interrupting the mad machinations of exiled Protencio professor Monitus, Juram outwitted deadly alchemist traps to interrogate the devious genius. Confessing to have used the rare reagents of the Salt Hives to construct an arcane bomb he recently shipped, what could his target of mass destruction be?!

Crystal Cavern Canyon Map

Tensely traversing the caves beneath the petrified Salt Hives, Commander Juram and his knights raised their weapons as they were approached by a mysterious figure made of glowing crystal. As her eyes focused, Nadia identified the creature as a female Iridia, who communicated wordlessly through melodious chimes. The beautiful creature encouraged peace, and offered to guide them through the dangerous caves. Can such strangers be trusted?

Mushroom Caves of Consolation Map

Ambushed by vile Vapor Lords upon entering the barren Salt Hives, Commander Juram and his knights were rescued by tall insectoid Simex'id! Taken safe underground, these strange insects communicated to Juram's sister Nadia wordlessly through mental images. A wise Simex'id elder expressed his willingness to bless the champions with a unique spore ritual to help them endure the sweltering heat, yet will it be enough to survive?

Crypt of Shifting Sands Map

Through harrowing combat deeper into the crypt, Commander Juram and his Oathsworn Knights finally vanquished the vile dune wraith Saraab and his legion of sand monsters. Freeing his sister Nadia from her cage, Juram wept tears of joy embracing his sister in safety. Quivering, Nadia confessed that her captors extracted from her arcane secrets essential to a cataclysmic scheme! Can they reach the Salt Hives in time?

Cistern Temple Ruins Map

Racing through the Hōti Desert to solve the mystery of his sister's Nadia's ominous abduction, commander Juram finally approached the cursed Cistern Temple Ruins. His Oathsworn Knights trembled in fear, sensing the aura of powerful evil present. As living sand coalesced into the hideous form of dune wraith Saraab, his ominous voice echoed from darkness, "Are you next to meet your end?"

Pools of Divine Cleansing Map

Desperate for information of his abducted sister Nadia, Commander Juram sought the wisdom of the Hemanawa tribes in the Whispering Plains. Welcomed by Kikeokàn, the tribal Water Sage healer, she quickly discovered the captive orc Juram brought was no ally. Lowering the orc into the healing pools, years of generational trauma were cleansed. Can his confession of Nadia held in the Hōti Desert be trusted?

Orcish Pit of Desecration Map

Wounds healed but heart still burdened, Commander Juram and his Oathsworn Knights continue their quest to rescue his sister Nadia and the villagers. As new intel leads into the cursed Scaled Spire mountains, a vile orcish warband ambush! Harrowing combat subdues Warchief Gor'kron, yet his headstrong obstinance resists any attempt to extract information of Nadia's location! Perhaps allies to the south might loosen his tongue?

Pact’um Monastery Stronghold Map

Bedraggled from the harrowing journey through the Frost Giant's tundra, Commander Juram and his Oathsworn Knights find respite at the Pact’um Monastery. As priestess Amare healed Juram's wounds through wordless hymns emanating from her crystalline Iridia form, he vulnerably confessed that his sister Nadia was one taken in the mysterious village raid he is investigating. Can holy music heal a burdened heart?

Frost Giant's Throne Map

Blizzard winds stung the faces of Commander Juram and his Oathsworn Knights as they trudged the Frozen Wastes of Odi'am to unravel the mystery of the rune-tainted village. Their dwarven contact Lucille Firebrand hinted the runes found there matched those of the dreaded northern frost giants. Approaching the throne, Juram discovered the giants had been coerced to teach their rune secrets to a far darker force... to the west?

Dwarven Flame Forge Keep Map

Hot on the trail to solve the mystery of the runes found at the raided village, commander Juram led his Oathsworn Knights into the Molten Reaver Heights to a runic expert, Lucille Firebrand. Well trained by her Ignium dwarven people, her eyes widened when she recognized the ancient arcane symbols, famed to belong to the frost giants of the north. Is Juram destined to a frozen fate?

Frostridge Raid Mystery Map

Shocking news stirred new years' celebrants from their revelry, when a message was received from the Imperium Peaks! Oathsworn Knights' commander Sir Juram answered the call and arrived to find the normally serene Frostridge Village raided, still aflame! Juram and his knights investigated and found mysterious glowing runes upon the wreckage... what foul scheme is this to launch their new adventure?


Sa'nubis City Celebration! Map

A year full of epic battles and mighty triumphs inspires the citizens of the floating Arcane City of Sa'nubis to celebrate the bright future ahead! Festivals filled with Simex'id fireworks light the sky, as heroes of all races unite in thankfulness for their blessings. Many choose to make amends, and forgive those who have wronged them to start the new year fresh. What adventures are you most looking forward to?

Frostbitten Shantytown Miracle Map

When dire news of frost giants attacking poor northern villages reached the ears of the devout Lux priest Father Geno, he reached out to one of the elder Knights of the Oathsworn, his old friend Father Nicholas. Nicholas cheerfully took up the call to protect the downtrodden, and led a heroic contingent of his holy Templar Knights to rout the frost giant threat and bring gifts to the village children! Ready to celebrate the ultimate gift?

Heavenly Clouds Throne Room Map

Through epic battles and monumental triumphs, the most hallowed heroes of Terrath meet their final rest. At the end of eternity, the all-wise, all-powerful El Shaddai awaits, to welcome the redeemed into His eternal embrace. As His Paragons guard the gates of eternal paradise, one such hero approaches before his time has come. What words might the All Knowing impart to such a wandering hero? What words does your soul crave?

Fallen Dragon's Deception Map

The fallen dragon Malrath seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Driven to fulfil his father Luxian's eternal vision of cosmic corruption, Malrath sows discord among kingdoms, stokes the rage of warlords, and ignites war, relishing the bloodlust. Yet when one unlikely human was transported to Terrath from earth, Marath's schemes became obstructed. Will fate be changed when evil is threatened?

Corrupted Elven Glade Map

Tormented by generations of war and betrayal, elven healer Sister Ari founded the House of E'spris to train brave priests to travel the front lines of battle to rescue the innocent & heal the wounded. She tasked the devout Brother Fidelis to lead an elite group of healers charged with restoring  the Ver'delf Forest, Ari's corrupted homeland. This corruption does not appear natural... could it be of darker spiritual forces?

Tower of Pericu’lum Ruins Map

The dreaded Tower of Pericu'lum has been a lightning rod of conflict for generations. Built by high elves ages ago to study the secrets of the cosmos, it fell to corruption. Sealed by righteous forces, then reawakened by a dark entity, the tower now stands as a tale of woe to any who attempt to warp reality. Now crawling with feline Leenon rogues harvesting dark intel, how long until evil reawakens?

Troll Fer'juul Rocklands Map

Savage dominance in the arena determines the hierarchy of the Fer'juul Rocklands. Uzuri has proved herself time and time again, besting physically stronger foes through cunning and agility. Choosing to wed the supreme champion of the arena, High Warlord Grokk Skullcrusher, the two of  them formed the bond that would determine the future of the scattered troll tribes. Can true love spring from conflict?

Forest of Ancient Scars Map

The cataclysmic explosion erupting from the Scar of Dol'or warped physics and corrupted the western half of the once pristine Ver'delf Forest. Strange arcane anomalies manifested, attempting to imitate the local flora and fauna. Veera, a humble Eruna forest elf took a keen interest in studying the phenomena, in hopes of finding a cure to cleanse the corruption of her ancient homeland. Can faith yield healing?

Molten Reaver Lava Flow Map

Deep under the volcanoes of the north sprawls the temple cities of the reclusive Molten Reavers. At the heart of their devout theocratic culture, the priest caste strives to maintain spiritual purity according to the Old Ways. Recently freed from generational slavery under the Ignium Dwarves, will this new generation be able to forge the hope for the future with the hard lessons of the past?

Holy City Markets of Sa'nubis Map

Soaring high above the chaos of a world at war floats the blessed Arcane City of Sa'nubis. Established by the Lux revolutionary priest Father Geno, this bastion of freedom stands as a home to the exiled in need of redemption. Beneath the floating holy city sprawls the vast expanse of farmlands and markets that serve as a free trade hub celebrating innovation. Are you ready for an uplifting escape into the skies?

Snow Scar Sanctuary Map

Explosive war sent shockwaves through holy "Lux" snow-owl culture after the Imperium Revolution. Many who felt betrayed by the exposed corruption of the High Feather felt lost in their own land. Abandoning the opulence of their floating golden ring cities, many refugees found sanctuary hidden deep at the base of the heavenly Imperium Peaks mountains. Might redemption be found in a humble new beginning?

Frost Dragon's Sanctum Map

The Paragon of Soul, Guntius is the manifestation of wisdom, the wisest of the three Radiant Paragons. Charged as the keeper of Truth, and the messenger of El Shaddai to the darkness of the cosmos, Guntius’ words fell upon deaf ears when his brother Luxian rebelled. Guntius and his legions sided with Righteousness in the cosmic war that expelled Luxian and his son Malrath who still seek desolation.

Exiled Pirates Flotilla Map

Beware the pirates of Brigand's Bay! They scour the high seas ready to capture merchant vessels for ransom! Yet some pirates have escaped their ranks, through crisis of conscience or divine intervention. One such exile is Captain Tumult, who rejected his old life to serve righteous causes as a privateer, inspiring many old crewmates to follow. When called, are you willing to chart a new course and purpose?

Orc Legion's Dragon Stockade Map

The savage orc warlord Herog the Brutal commands his legions with an iron fist. Desperate to earn the favor of the vile Dragon Darkmother, he ferociously vies against rival clans in the Scaled Spires wastelands. Leading raiding parties south into the pristine Whispering Plains, he efforts to return with heads of kings and trophies of conquest. At what point does proving your worth go too far?

Hidden Sacred Gems River Map

Threatened by brutal orcs to the north, and marauding centaurs to the south, the nomadic Hemanawa tribes of the Whispering Plains struggle to find nature's harmony amidst chaos. Each of the twelve tribes are blessed with the ability to shapeshift into a single animal, and call deep gems to the surface of sacred rivers for trade and holy rituals. With threats looming on the horizon, can peace be found in the storm?

Elf Assassin Oasis Map

Murder, espionage, royal deceit and infiltration plague the scorched sands of the Hōti Desert. Oppressed by the "Nameless", a clandestine band of rogues and assassins, villagers who live under the sun often feel overshadowed by fear. Yet, some brave souls like Sef Notitia have succeeded in leaving the life of the "Nameless" behind, to provide safety for his wife Koria and daughter June. Will you aid his journey for penance?

Corrupted Salt Hives Map

The vile dragon Malrath's children are legion! Cursed shapeshifters, they effort to infiltrate and corrupt all they touch. His particularly devious daughter Hasira has taken special interest in the desolate Salt Hives, working to sow discord between the indigenous tribes. As she paves the way for Malrath's ultimate vision of igniting a faction war, will you be able to expose her deceptions before it's too late?!

Pore'hu Jungle Invasion Map

New visitors invading Terrath from other realms has ignited old rivalries between the indigenous peoples! Secrets whisper that a dark deal has been struck by the nefarious Pardus tribe to enable steampunk crime lords from Protencio City to invade the lush jungle and pillage resources! It has fallen to the brave tiger Viribus tribe to defend the sanctity of holy grounds, will you join their righteous fight against invaders?

Darkfang Mountain Labyrinth Map

Deep in the shadows of the Darkfang Mountains, the ruthless feline Pardus tribe scheme to eat your bones! Twisted by a dark pact with the vile dragon Malrath, these savage cannibals crave chaos. Furious at their failure to penetrate the defenses of their sworn enemy, the noble Viribus tiger clans, whispers hint a new darkness may be on the horizon. Will you be able to escape their wretched labyrinth before it is too late?

Shocking Steampunk City Map

Explosions of toxic waste contaminate the poor districts of the steampunk City of Protencio, while the crime lords uptown appear to remain oblivious. Yet, secret intel recently has revealed that these urban disasters may not be accidents, but the machinations of those very crime lords bent on sowing discord, pitting the poor against each other to distract from their own crimes. Will you help expose the truth?

Croko'dilly Swamp Cruiseliner Map

Slithering through the fetid Grimuck Swamp you'll find all manner of monsters ready to gulp you down for dinner! Yet, the affable Croko'dilly tribe try to live and let live, welcoming vagrants hoping for a fresh start. With toxic sludge pouring downriver from the nearby steampunk city, they make the best of the worst situation, even offering fishing cruises on giant turtle-back! Are you ready to catch dinner, or become it?

Sea Elves' Sanctuary Battle Map

The near-apocalyptic climax of the Battle of Pericu'lum broke the veil between realms, and ushered in new creatures and abilities beyond compare. In the tumultuous aftermath, heroes from other realms have been summoned to Terrath through dimensional portals for mysterious purposes. As some wash up on the mur-elf shores of Sirena, will these intruders be killed on sight, or offered help in time of need?


Temple of Ancient Tears Battle Map

The tragic elven priestess Sister Ari has known much pain through the ages. Having born witness to the moral collapse of her Ver'delven people, she suffered seeing her once blessed forest corrupted by the will of mad tyrants and treacherous dragons. Having smuggled scores of orphans to the floating sanctuary city of Sa'nubis, can the scars of her past inspire a future of hope?

Snowdrift Refuge Camp Battle Map

Nestled at the base of the heavenly snowcapped Imperium Peaks mountains rests the secret refuge of the legendary priest Father Geno. Renown for leading the Imperium Revolution freeing his people from corrupt dogma, he founded the floating free Arcane City of Sa'nubis to secure genuine religious liberty and freedom. Seeking quiet refuge, he sometimes visits the place he first met his beloved Amaris. Do you wish some peace?

Crystal Maiden's Cavern Battle Map

Beautiful maidens wander deep beneath the earth on the sacred pilgrimage of the Iridia. A crystalline people of the deep caves, reclusive Iridian sages communicate wordlessly through beautiful resonating harmonic songs that emanate from their glistening translucent forms. Some are destined to wander seeking a companion, guided by the solid foundations of their faith. Might you be so fortunate as to meet one?

Demented Darkanists Den Battle Map

As mighty heroes summoned from distant realms have begun invading Terrath, the vile dragon Luxian has begun marshalling his wretched forces for imminent conflict. Skilled arcanists seduced by promises of power have become twisted into fallen "darkanists", minds warped by deception and driven by all consuming addiction. As the forces of darkness rise, will you stand against the looming threat?

Chronomancer's Conundrum Story Map

The near-apocalyptic climax of the Battle of Pericu'lum broke the veil between realms, and ushered in new creatures and abilities beyond compare. In the tumultuous aftermath, a new branch of study dealing with interdimensional time ways has emerged. Among the pioneering "chronomancers", Farina Mallor has begun experimenting with manipulating time. Might such ambition be her undoing?

Glade of Lethal Diplomacy Story Map

The cataclysmic explosion erupting from the Scar of Dol'or warped physics and corrupted the western half of the pristine Ver'delf Forest. The prideful Erlikoth high elves who find the disaster beneath their haughty station have been convinced to meet with the humble Eruna wood elves in attempts to heal the land. As diplomatic tensions rise, how long until good faith mediation is shattered by bloodshed?

Mansion of Deception Story Map

Opulent estates nestled on the coast of the Dragon's Delta have served as pirate money laundering havens for generations. Her pirate king husband having died under "mysterious" circumstances, Madame Fallere has gained quite the reputation hosting the most extravagant galas, enticing more legitimate business moguls from the Markets of Thalassa. If you are invited... might she surprise you with a bribe, or a blade?

Drowned Temple of Si'rena Battle Map

Legends whisper that deep beneath the Ocean of Stars, the Sunken Empire of Sirena remains, lying in wait. Cast beneath the sea by cataclysm, the ancient Sirenians have isolated themselves from what they deem as the corrupting influence of the surface races. Elegant, refined, and deeply attuned to arcane energies, these enigmatic sea-elves may just need to stir from their slumber, as threats above begin to gaze... below.

Orcish Farmland Raid Battle Map

Brutal orcish incursions launched from the dreaded Scaled Spires have begun ravaging the peaceful farmlands near the sanctuary of the Pact'um Monastery. As the Scaled Legion aggressors become more brazen in their pillage, knights of the ancient Order of the Oathsworn have begun to assemble, heeding the desperate call of the villages under siege. Are you willing to take up sword against evil on your horizon?

Torment of Malrath Battle Map

The fallen dragon Luxian's vile children are legion. Whereas the dragon Darkmother prefers subtlety and deception, her brother, the iron-fisted Malrath prefers brutality and aggression. Taking pleasure in stoking the fires of rage within mortal warlords, Malrath craves the taste of chaos as his deeds reap harvests of wrath. Will his torture chambers break you, or will you reach up for divine strength to overcome the impossible?

Pirate Queen's Raid Battle Map

Cutthroat scoundrels launching from Brigand's Bay scour the high seas for treasures and glory! Rejecting the more challenging and profitable sea monster slaying ventures pioneered by Captain Tumult, a new pirate queen Captain Aurora yearns to return to her people's savage roots. Commissioned by the vile Lord Morris to raid Avem Port, will her exploits yield treasure or disaster?

Oathsworn Knight's Crypt Map

In the darkest days of the Siege of the Spires, the devout snow owl Lux civilization neared ruin. Orcish hordes crashed upon the beleaguered Lux defenses, and all feared the end. In a desperate last stand, the brave human knight Sir Terrowin the Protector led his righteous Oathsworn band of brothers into the fray, cutting down the commanding orc darkanist, victory at the cost of his own life. Will you honor the memory of one good man?

Temple of Perturbed Prayers Map

Shattered by the sins of their past, the Erlikoth high elves of the Ver'delf Forest are crushed by ancient guilt. While some vengeful leaders attempt to reclaim their former glory by warping children into weapons of war, a clandestine few seek a new path of redemption. High Priestess Accentus, inspired by Sister Ari's sacrifice, continue her secret work smuggling orphans to freedom. What must be done to lift the burden of sin?

Ziggurat of False Idols Battle Map

Savage sacrifices to evil gods led the brutal human Msituni Empire to madness. In bloodlust, they advanced north to dominate all of the lush Pore'hu Jungle. Met with fierce resistance by the stalwart Viribus tiger tribes, those who sought to serve the righteous Lifegiver were granted victory, and pushed the Msituni back to their pagan temples. Now tasked with consecrating corrupted lands, is it possible to redeem evil?

Frostpaw Assault Battle Map

Greedy Brigand's Bay pirates are encroaching north into the Frozen Wastes of Odi'am attempting to emulate Captain Tumult's success slaying monsters. While Tumult has exemplified honorable restraint in his voyages, these imitators have begun brutally pillaging the land. In retaliation, indigenous Frostpaw polar bear warriors have begun allying with local human hunters. Will the pirates' doom be the roar of frost?

Steampunk Prison: Protencio Battle Map

The grimy streets of Protencio City's steampunk mecca are crawling with the worst criminals in Terrath. Competing crime bosses ignite gang wars to distract city enforcers from their high-tier crime. As pirate Captain Tumult's discoveries from hunted sea monster anatomy spark new tech innovation, city enforcers implement new lightning rod weapons to keep the peace. How long until Tumult's tech is used against him?

Corrupted Cathedral Battle Map

Mind shattered by the tragic Ogre Wars, the once holy Verdelven priestess Lady Wrend fell into despair. When a dark voice tempted her with the power to bring her slain family back to life, Wrend was deceived and twisted into a Sinsworn servant of the dragon Darkmother. Now tasked with corrupting Hemanawa holy sites near the Scaled Spires, how long until her ambitions come in conflict with the Brigand's Bay pirates?

Troll Warlord's Prison Camp Map

The savage troll warlords of the Fer'juul Rocklands vie for power against rival clans. To gain advantage, the more ambitious warlords have begun capturing trade caravans for ransom.  As pirate Captain Tumult's crew continues to expand trade routes through previously isolated lands, their capture has alerted the ire of their sponsoring Pirate Lords of Brigands Bay. Are you willing to rescue such outcasts from their doom?

Outlawed Huntsman's Tradepost Map

Running from the law by hiding in the shadows of dragons lives the reclusive trapper Phillip Virile. Having built his log cabin by hand at the snow-swept base of the Imperium Peaks mountains, his compound has flourished as the clandestine trade hub for the haughty Lux snow owl people to do shady deals with pirates, distant from the eyes of their theocratic law. How else would they gain access to his brother Captain Tumult's rare wares?

Arcanist's Forbidden Manufactory Battle Map

Pirate Captain Tumult and his love Soreth unlocked ancient Arcane mysteries as they began researching the peculiar anatomies of the titanic sea monsters they hunted. Word of their discoveries and the powers these new reagents offered spread. As Protencio newspapers whirred to life, publishing the findings across Terrath's globe, to what lethal lengths will the clandestine Order of Pericu'lum go to silence the truth?

Savage Warlord's Arena Battle Map

The savage warlords of the Fer'juul Rocklands continually vie for advantage over rival warchiefs for dominance. Rumors hint that Tumult, the ambitious new pirate captain has pioneered methods of hunting elusive sea monsters, yielding ingredients that might give your warriors an edge in the Arena. Are you willing to seek out the brigands of the sea, before your rivals buy the advantage to your downfall? 

Descended Queen's Altar Battle Map

Rogue pirate Captain Tumult conquering sea monsters shifted the balance of power across Terrath's globe. As kings, warlords, and arcanists scrambled to extract knowledge and advantage from the Captain's monstrous discoveries, some ambitious outcasts took a more... forbidden approach. Ominous pacts with ancient evils twisted some adventurers into nightmares of their former selves. Could you resist power's temptation?

Traitor's Jungle Hunt Battle Map

The brave Viribus tiger tribes of the Pore'hu Jungle are the only line of defense against the annihilation of the peaceful Ngahere healers. As Captain Tumult hopes to open new trade routes for the reagents gained through his sea monster hunts, the Viribus remain suspicious of all pirates. Ngahere tribal elder Ta'pana offers second chances, seeing something different in this captain, but can Tumult overcome the stigma of his kind?

Swamp Smuggler's Refuge Battle Map

The reptilian "Dillys" of the Grimuck Swamp are the outcasts of polite society. Unsophisticated and down to earth, these reclusive peoples are content to "live and let live." Welcoming vagrants looking for a fresh start, their fetid villages have become hubs of under-the-table commerce. As buyers of the rare wares pirate Captain Tumult harvests from formidable sea monsters, how long until the law catches up?

Simex'id Salt Hives Battle Map

Deep under the Salt Hives wasteland, the tall insectoid Simex'id communicate wordlessly through mental images. Gifted alchemists and inventors of fireworks that beautifully paint the night sky, these insects became intrigued by pirate Captain Tumult's willingness to trade newly discovered kraken reagents for their signature dynamite to fuel his treasure-hunting explorations. What secrets does the deep earth hide?

Gilded Gardens of Gluttony Story Map

Conniving to gain prestige, Smarmson, the steward of Lord Morris' estate feigns a pompous facade to mask his goblin greed. Finding the work of piracy too laborious in youth, he clung as a leech to the aspiring pirate Baron Morris, doing the dirty work the Baron did not want attached to his name. Disgusted by anyone below his station, how can Smarmson at his short height, still make you feel like he looks down upon you?

Enchanted Sea Cavern Battle Map

Deep under the sea in the Dragon's Delta lurks the mythical cave systems sacred to the Sirenian Empire. Reclusive elves banished to the depths of the sea in the aftermath of civil war, compassionate Sirenian matriarchs teach sacred mycologist healing traditions into the hearts of their children. When Captain Tumult's pirate crew interrupted one such lesson, will the collision of two cultures lead to catastrophe?

Kivuli's Secret Hideout Battle Map

Left for dead, mortally wounded by Captain Skinner Deatheye's mutiny against Captain Tumult, the wise Kivuli barely regained consciousness long enough to discover mysterious glowing mushrooms of the cave that would have been his tomb. Rejuvenated by their miraculous healing properties, Kivuli constructed a secret fortification, preparing a last stand against the pirates hunting him. Would you flee, or fight?

Pirate Lord's Throne Battle Map

Lust, gluttony, savagery, greed - the tenets of the Pirate Lords of Brigand's Bay suit Lord Morris well. Imitating the baser instincts of his competitors, Lord Morris leeched his gain through the plunder of nobler traders and entrepreneurs. Seeing great potential in the young Captain Tumult, Morris ensnared him into servitude. How do you break free from the bondage of debt?

The Scandalous Barters Story Map

Slaying rare sea monsters became second nature to the brave Captain Tumult. The rare reagents the beasts yielded piqued the interest of kings, warlords, and scholars as far off as the Ver'delf forest. Some cunning elven arcanists of the forest lands even broke custom and were willing to deal with the Captain and his pirates in secret to barter for the precious reagents. What customs are you willing to break when needed?

Captain Deatheye's Stronghold Battle Map

That fateful day he locked blades with Tumult, Captain Skinner fell into the black abyss. When his last breath spoke into the darkness, an ancient evil replied, offering power beyond measure in exchange for his soul. That moment Skinner cast off his old ambitions and became the terrifying Captain Deatheye, Horror of the High Seas. Gathering strength in Brigand's Bay to strike back, can you withstand his fury?

Holy Doulos Chapel Story Map

Through epic wars that tear kingdoms apart, the weary souls of Terrath find strength and solace in these holy halls. High among the clouds in the floating Arcane City of Sa'nubis, in this hallowed sanctuary Father Geno has facilitated joyous weddings, cathartic redemptions, and annual holidays celebrating El Shaddai's grace upon His people. What burden do you need lifted this season?

Shipwreck Cove Battle Map

Monster slayers, treasure hunters, and adventures of every tribe have yearned to explore the fabled “Pueri Cunabula, the island that does not exist." Dismissed by scholars as a fairytale to scare younglings, the search for this legendary island, wreathed in ancient mystery, has claimed the lives of countless explorers yearning to uncover its riches. What are you willing to sacrifice, to attain the greatest glory?

Throne of Malrath Battle Map

The fallen dragon Luxian's vile children are legion. Whereas the dragon Darkmother prefers subtlety and deception, her brother, the iron-fisted Malrath prefers brutality and aggression. Taking pleasure in stoking the fires of rage within mortal warlords, Malrath craves the taste of chaos as his deeds reap harvests of wrath. Can you control your anger, or will you succumb to rage?

Plundered Estate Battle Map

The wretched pirates of Brigand's Bay pillage without mercy. As their power grows unchecked, they have begun thieving expeditions into the wealthier manors on the outskirts of the fabled Markets of Thalassa. Leaving shattered lineages and broken homes in their wake, their unquenchable fires ignite the raiders' insatiable greed. As families cry out for a hero, will you hold the line, and stand against the roaring flame?

Darkanist's Labyrinth Battle Map

Elite Msituni archers penetrated deep behind enemy lines to assassinate the noble Ngahere tribal leader Ta’pana. Prowling through Pore'hu Jungle toward their target, ethereal whispers lured them into ominous caves beneath Darkfang Mountain. Darkanist energy began to fog their keen senses, compelling them to the edge of a flaming chasm. Can they reclaim their minds before something else does?

Darkmother's Pinnacle  Battle Map

The fallen dragon Luxian's vile children are legion. None are so cunning as the Darkmother of the dreaded Scaled Spires. Shapeshifting into whatever appearance pleases her, she sows discord among kingdoms, and stokes the rage of the Scaled Legion orcish clans that savagely vie for her favor. As she tightens her grip upon the hearts of kings, can no one perceive her dark conspiracies?

Msituni Jungle Temple Battle Map

The brutal Msituni empire spanned the southern Pore'hu Jungle for generations. As they expanded north toward Darkfang Mountain, they struck fierce resistance from the savage Viribus tiger tribes. Sworn to protect their defenseless pygmy Ngahere allies, the Viribus ferociously fought back, crushing the aggression. With the Msituni empire now fallen to decay, what new spark will ignite the fires of revenge?

Iridian Crystal Cavern Battle Map

Adventurous Caelum Sha elves of the southern Hōti Desert have made contact with the elusive Iridia! A crystalline people of the deep earth, reclusive Iridian sages communicate wordlessly through beautiful resonating harmonic songs that emanate from their glistening translucent forms. Some Caelum Sha have begun adopting their mysterious customs and aesthetics... but are they aware of the dangers of doing so?

Shapeshifter's River Battle Map

Threatened by brutal orcs to the north, and marauding centaurs to the south, the nomadic Hemanawa tribes of the Whispering Plains struggle to find nature's harmony amidst chaos. Each of the twelve tribes are blessed with the ability to shapeshift into a single animal, and call deep gems to the surface of sacred rivers for trade and holy rituals. With threats looming on the horizon, can peace be found in the storm?

Esukēpu Drifting Turtle Island Battle Map

Brutal incursions by Scaled Legion orcs into the Dragon's Delta have driven the honorable Doragon peoples to the brink of extinction. In a desperate effort to preserve their families and culture, Doragon scribes have transferred their sacred writings and temples onto the backs of gigantic sea turtles. Will the ocean currents ever guide these mystical people's way of life to a safe haven they can call home?

Sunken Archeology Battle Map

Terrath's moon nearly crashing into the planet at the Battle of Pericu'lum disrupted the ocean's tides and unearthed strange ancient artifacts. Enterprising Ver'delven archeologists have pounced on the opportunity to steal exposed relics long thought lost. As subaquatic Si'renian mur-elves feel encroached upon by their estranged cousins stealing their culture, whose side will you take if ambition leads to war?

Refugee's Pass Battle Map

The war raging between the savage troll warlords and the Petram ogres in the Fer'juul Rocklands have displaced many tribal victims. Refugees desperate to escape the conflict without being seen, are forced to traverse a narrow ravine, riddled with unstable rocks and ominous statues. As mothers attempt to quiet their weeping babes, you hear growling in the bushes... will your sword be enough to protect them?

Swampscale Village Battle Map

Have you been exiled from your kingdom? You're always welcome here! The Grimuck Swamp is home to vagabonds of all races looking to get off the grid and start fresh. Choose from ramshackle villages cobbled together from scrap and trash that float downriver from the steampunk City of Protencio! Strum a banjo with a reptile friend, and be sure to try some arcane gumbo! Just watch out for ol' Nessie, she eats tourists...

Bandit's Cave Hideout Battle Map

The cataclysmic explosion erupting out of the Scar of Dol'or warped physics and infected pristine elven lands with a mysterious arcane plague. The rich trade roads through the enchanted forests became unguarded as the Ver'delven capital forces retreated to stabilize the dark epidemic. In the power vacuum, nefarious bandit lords claimed control of the imperial roads, laying it wait... are you next to be ambushed?

Underwater Attack Battle Map

The beautiful mur-elves of the Sunken Empire of Si'rena have recently been forced out of their ages of reclusion by the world-altering aftermath of the Battle of Pericu’lum. The moon nearly crashing into the surface of Terrath threw the oceans tides into chaos, interpreted by the Si'renians as an intentional attack from the surface dwellers. As ancient empires reawaken, can you prevent the escalation of war?


Astronomer's Solarium Battle Map

Eons before the war that sundered the Ver’delven forest elves from the Si’renian elves under the sea, they were united in their insatiable curiosity of the stars. From their tall observatories, great ancient minds sought the mysteries of creation by gazing deep into the cosmos. As they neared a revolutionary discovery, what caused some eyes to wander beyond wisdom, into a dark void of Entropy, sundering their sanity?

Ignium Fortress Battle Map

Still bitter over their loss to the devout Molten Reavers they enslaved in the War of Flame, the stubborn Ignium Dwarves continue to dig deep under the volcanoes for an arcane power source mighty enough to reestablish their dominance. Rumors through the Fortress whisper their most recent dig has unearthed something BIG… but why are so many miners returning to the surface panicked and crazed?

Ver'delven Mire Battle Map

A tortured land still reeling from the cataclysmic Plague of Dol’or, much of this once pristine elven forest has become twisted along with its inhabitants. Yet against this ever-metastasizing darkness, a few of the uncorrupted elven survivors attempt to use might and mind to fight back against the toxic spread. Having suffered through such tragedy, would you stand strong, or succumb to the lure of corruption?

Fer'juul Outpost Story Map

As savage troll warlords vie for control of the barren Fer’juul Rocklands, some enterprising rebels and entrepreneurs have broken off to travel the southern coast and attempt trade relations with the neighboring ogres, dwarves, Molten Reavers, and elves. After generations of bloodshed in a brutal struggle for tribal dominance with clenched fists, could freedom instead come through an open hand?

Penumbra's Pass Battle Map

This brutally contested border between the hellish Scaled Spire orcs and the opulent avian Lux of the radiant Imperium Peaks has seen eons of war and bloodshed. This river valley is of great strategic importance to both empires, a geographical divide mirroring the stark difference in their ideologies. Can the radiant will of the Lux Imperium withstand the savagery of the orc’s vile dragon Darkmother?

Jeweled River Battle Map

Winding through the picturesque Whispering Plains flows mystical rivers of life. Blessed by the 12 shapeshifting Hemanawa tribes, they call sacred gems up through the sediment to the surface of the water, for use in ceremonial blessings, ornate crafting, and trade with neighboring peoples. As vile Scaled Spire orc spies observe this ritual, how long until darkness attempts to steal the light?

Ogre's Crag Battle Map

Dominating the far southern reaches of the Ver’delf Forest lumber the towering Petram Ogres. Their intelligence hampered by generational curses of the fallen Paragon dragon Luxian, they are desperate to gain the respect of the other races, and often invade neighboring lands hoping to impress with their strength of might when their strength of mind falters. How do you earn respect?

Snowswept Camp Battle Map

As you and your band of heroes shiver through the Frozen Wastes of Odi’am, you make camp for the night against the bitter cold. Tensions run high as you hear whispers in the woods around you. Your eyes dart back and forth as you feel your coin pouch containing your mother’s ring lifted from your belt behind you, footprints leading into the forest! Is recovering your sacred heirloom worth the risk?

Paragon's Rest Story Map

Hidden in the mountains of the frozen north remains one of the few places untainted by mortal ambitions. When not tending to the needs of the spiritual realm, Guntius, the Radiant Paragon of Truth often finds some solace in his den, where he chronicles the timeless Truth of El Shaddai for posterity. He ponders the mystery: to help mortals who refuse truth, what form must he take?

House of E’spris Orphanage Story Map

The devastating wars of Terrath have left many innocent children orphaned. The saving grace to many of those children has been the House of E’spris Orphanage, founded by Sister Ari, with the help of Father Geno. Always ready to welcome the abandoned with open arms, this haven floats high in the sky among the Arcane City of Sa’nubis’ ever expanding philanthropic efforts. Where do you go in your time of need?

Pact'um Sanctuary Story Map

In times of desperation, famine, and war, the lost souls of Terrath have always found sanctuary at the Pact'um Monastery. Established by the lone monk Father Pax ages ago, this humble place of solace has grown into a sprawling compound of charity, holy teachings, and a place of new beginnings to those desperate to leave their troubled past behind them. What heavy burdens do you need lifted?

Shrine of the Fallen Story Map

Of the devastating wars that have been fought between the savage Scaled Spire Orcs, and the devout avian Lux Imperium, none were so brutal as the Siege of the Spires. As fire rained down from heaven from the breath of dragons, all that remained was the mourning of two shattered peoples. With the final life lost in Penumbra’s Pass enshrined in this somber place, will the cycle of hatred be renewed?

Dragon Darkmother's Lair Battle Map

Seething in the onyx Scaled Spires mountains schemes the dragon Darkmother, daughter of the fallen Paragon Luxian. As the land around her gushes rivers of the toxic black blood of the earth tainted by the malice of darkanist corruption, she commands her orcish Scaled Legion clans to compete for her temporary favor, raiding the lands and returning with heads of kings. Can you withstand her wrath?

Mutar’ib Centaur Raid Battle Map

As you and your caravan travel north through the scorching Hōti Desert to provide humanitarian aid to the elves devastated by drought, you hear a shifting of rocks on the cliff ledge above you! Your heart stops as you hear the dreaded battle cry of the Mutar’ib Centaurs, desperate to claim your lives and supplies for themselves! Will you stand strong, or be lost into the sands of time?

Grimuck Swamp Battle Map

Sloshing through the humid mire your heart stops as you feel something slither around your ankle… You grip your weapon preparing to strike! You spin around just in time to see an affable reptilian fisherman yank on his pole tearing a hungry blood eel free from your leg! He cheerfully invites your heroic company to his hut for arcane gumbo, but what is that deep bellow in the water behind you?

Frostspike Citadel Battle Map

Deep in the ominous north broods the dreaded Frozen Wastes of Odi’am. This desolate tundra is the graveyard of ambitious empires, and the doom of brave adventurers seeking forbidden fortune. Legends speak of rune-empowered Viking warships descending from the clouds to raid caravans, and footprints of frost giants larger than entire battalions. Will you achieve glory or a frozen tomb?

Ver'delf Forest Ambush Battle Map

Beware the western edge of the Ver’delf forest! The destructive cataclysm that burst forth from the Scar of Do’lor tainted the nearby land, creatures, and physics alike. Entire elven populations fell to its corruption, leaving a power vacuum that merciless crime lords and ogre tribes have been quick to  take advantage of. Traveling the eerie roads, will you be able to detect an ambush before it is too late?

Molten Cavern Battle Map

Deep under the scalding volcanoes of the north, the devout Molten Reavers battle remnants of the furious Ignium Dwarves bitter over the aftermath of the war that liberated the Reavers from slavery. The cataclysmic “Scar of Dol'or” disaster has warped the lava flows to bend physics and twist the land and monsters that roam the deep. When the earth itself rages against you, can you handle the heat?

Dreadasaur Chase Battle Map

As you gaze up at the impossibly tall tree canopy of the lush Pore’hu Jungle, you feel the creatures of the wild around you grow eerily silent. The earth trembles as massive footsteps thunder behind you. Your heart stops as the cataclysmic ROAR of the towering dreadasaur shakes you to the core! Can you and your band of adventurers outrun this monster before tumbling off the cliff ahead?

Port of Sa'nubis Story Map

A mile beneath the levitating Arcane City of Sa'nubis thrives its vibrant bustling trade ports. Humming with mercantile ambition, the wide variety of ships and races that frequent these docks celebrate the open trade and innovation fostered by the free city above. Are you brave enough to set sail while the shadow of Brigand's Bay pirates to the north threaten your life & loot?

Chamber of Mind Puzzle Map

Now as you ascend the arcane labyrinth of the elven Tower of Pericu’lum, you are confronted by a mysterious chamber. Above an ominous red orb, you see your memories and nightmares swirl like smoke, mixed with foreign visions you do not recognize. Glowing white cubes rest upon tables around the room. Are you brave enough to untangle and confront the pain of your past, to save your future?

Hall of Heroes Story Map

The tragedies of war often result in the death of heroes. The Hall of Heroes, an ancient place of worship to El Shaddai, was levitated free of the Imperium Peaks during the revolution, and now provides solace to the reverent people of the floating Arcane City of Sa'nubis mourning their beloved lost. What do you wish you could have said before your loved one passed?

Darkfang Descent Battle Map

Deep in the shadows of the Pore'hu Jungle, the treacherous Pardus tribe schemes to infiltrate the peaceful Ngahere people and steal their sacred knowledge. Those bearing the mark upon their forehead have been "blessed" with keen senses and strength, but at the cost of their soul. Will you survive the depths of their dark cave labyrinth, or be lost in the abyss?

Coinmaster's Court Story Map

High above the heavenly snow-capped Imperium Peaks mountains glistens the floating golden ring capital city of Mor'eth. With a greedy grip upon the Imperium Treasury, the gaudy Lux bureaucrat Coinmaster Menides schemes revenge against his devout rival, Father Geno, for earning the honored devotion Menides could only dream of stealing. What terrors will jealous wrath bring?

Telluma Sha Market Story Map

Urgently racing to decode clues to your beloved friend Ari's dire abduction, your trusted elven guide Sef Noticia leads you to the exotic desert Telluma Sha Market. Through the overwhelming sights, sounds and aromas of the hectic bazaar your eyes dart between the faces of countless suspects! Can you uncover the dastardly informant before it's too late?

Informant's Refuge Story Map

As you unravel the treacherous mystery of your beloved friend Sister Ari's abduction, wouldn't it be nice to have some solace from the sand storm? Enter the warm and welcoming home of the Noticia family. Streetwise with hearts of gold, mama Koria and her adorable daughter June host you graciously, awaiting papa Sef's return with dire news...

Battle of Pericu'lum Adventure Map

In the world’s darkest hour, you and your heroic battalions have united to assault High Arcanist Iricon Soll’s impenetrable darcanist-empowered Tower of Pericu’lum. Towering arcane golems stare down at you, crackling with a savage red energy ready to obliterate you and everyone you love. Do you have the might and mind to breach the defenses?

Ngahere Treetop Village Story Map

The enigmatic Ngahere pygmy tribe dwelling high in the towering treetops of the Pore'hu jungle are small in stature but large in heart. After fleeing the cataclysm that transformed their lush paradise into the Salt Hives, these kind-hearted sages now welcome yearning pilgrims from around the world, teaching them the ways of healing mind, body, soul, and land, precariously perched above the terrifying dinosaurs on the jungle floor below. In a world wreathed in darkness, what healing do you seek?

The Wise Owl Inn Story Map

Tired after a long journey? High in the clouds floats the majestic Arcane City of Sa'nubis, founded by the wise Lux revolutionary, Father Geno. A haven of refugees and heroes of all backgrounds, the boisterous hosts of the Wise Owl Inn extend you a helping hand and favorite drink while you share your latest story of grand adventure! What tales will you tell?

Chamber of the Lost Battle Map

Hidden deep beneath the scalding dunes of the Hōti desert's Obelisk of the Lost, lurks an ancient chamber of unimaginable power. Living sand constructs protect the legendary Soul Engine, a device that is rumored to be able to extract life essence for nefarious means. Can you muster the strength and strategy needed to rescue Sister Ari before it is too late?

High Arcanist's Spire Battle Map

Built by the elves ages ago on a powerful arcane ley line to study the glories of the cosmos, the impossibly tall Tower of Pericu'lum was eventually corrupted into a conduit of mind control during the dreaded Ogre Wars, and sealed as a precaution. Secretly reawakened by a dark force, the nightmares brewing at the tower's pinnacle are too much for mortal minds.

The Golden Cathedral Battle Map

High among the heavenly snow-laced mountains of the Imperium Peaks’ floating golden ring cities hovers the Lux capital city of Mor’eth. The ancient crown jewel of this sacred city was once a reverent place of worship to El Shaddai, but has become morally tarnished by the greed of its leadership, and is now known as the “Golden Cathedral". What dark forces could be lurking behind such opulence?

Den of Thieves Battle Map

Need a stealthy hand to do your clandestine bidding? The sprawling cellar of the abandoned Rusty Sprocket Inn may conceal just who you are looking for. Found on no official map, but frequented by agents of espionage passing through the grimy Steampunk City of Protencio, the secrets whispered in these dark halls could topple kingdoms… or raise YOUR new empire…

Gladiator Arena Battle Map

Many heroes and warlords alike have fallen trying to prove themselves in the Fer’juul Arena. Carved out of the ruthless Rocklands, this savage ring of dominance tests the triumphant before roaring crowds who demand only the strongest lead them. Will you fall into the dust of defeat like so many others, or will you rise to the roar of victory your heart craves?

Steampunk City Battle Map

The bustling steampunk manufacturing City of Protencio crackles with literal energy as competing titans of industry aggressively push the nascent boundaries of volatile technology. More concerned with profit than people, their pollution oozes outward, choking their neighbors inhabiting Grimuck Swamp. Can progress be made without consequence?

Jungle Cave Battle Map

The civil war that rages between the “Pardus” snow leopard tribe, and the “Viribus” tiger tribe they betrayed has caused much bloodshed in the Pore’hu jungle. Some of the most mortally wounded seek out the mythical healing living waters that spring forth from the Darkfang mountains. Is the thin hope of healing worth the perilous journey?

Molten Bridge Battle Map

The legendary “Ignium Span” flaming bridge is said to be able to test the purity of intent of those who seek to cross. Guarded by the hot tempered Ignium Dwarves of the Molten Reaver Heights, many an adventurer has been ignited in an instant, vaporized by their own prideful motives. Is your intent pure enough to survive the flame?

Lost Sand Temple Battle Map

The exotic Caelum Sha elves of the Hōti Desert have carved a thriving culture out of the scalding desolate sands. In memory of those fallen in an ancient war, they built the towering "Obelisk of the Lost" to honor heroes passed.  Erected on a ley line of arcane energies, how long until the latent power there is harnessed for maleficent schemes?

Sea Pirate Battle Map

Captain Tumult Virile once known for his ferocity on the high seas now serves a higher cause, yet sometimes on the open ocean enemies from his past return like a fierce tide! Enjoy this map in your own campaign and determine if your ship is to be triumphant, or will you and your crew be consigned to the dark briny deep below!?